Thursday, June 30, 2011

sexy sheets

Something about the tumbled quality of these sheets is unbelievably sexy. Don't you agree?

Monday, June 27, 2011

farm fantasy

Image source/photo credit unknown

There's something so lovely about farm life. Someday, I want to have a farm...

Friday, June 24, 2011


Oh, what a feeling to begin my journey home! I'm sad to leave Japan, along with the great friendships I've made on this trip. On the bright side, thought, I'm just in time for my family's annual celebration of summer, Indiana, life, love and each other. We call it Pork Butts and Sippy Cups, and I'm so excited to be there.

Here's the video my cousin Nick made from last year's party:

photos by Nicholas Knight

happy friday!

Photo by Shanti Knight
Austin, Texas, March 2011 (SXSW)
These are the gorgeous blonde locks of Casey of Bits of Yum

What a big day!! I'm on my way back to America, and just in time. Southern Japan had delightfully light, breezy, perfectly warm and perfectly cool weather for the past month, until yesterday, when without warning it switched to outrageously sticky hot and humid weather. In Japan they call it mushi mushi! (Which is different from moshi moshi. That's what they say when they answer the phone.) Today I'll be making a trippy time zone jump when I cross the International Dateline. I will arrive six hours before I left! How wild. Here's some fun from around the Web for a Friday afternoon.

a fantastic fun art blog via my university
ideas for beach reads (I adore this writer's description of trying to read David Foster Wallace's The Pale King as "jogging backward in sand while drunk")
girl power via the great Susan Hyatt
Since I'll have access to a kitchen again, I'm wanting to make these yummy-looking popsicles.
thoughts on valuing children, by my friend JoAnn
I'd love to get this face cream for my papa
I really love Pink and Carey Hart's first family photo with their newborn daughter

Friday, June 17, 2011

happy friday!

ready for adventure! via The Steward

It's my final weekend in Japan. Wait, what? I've been working-working-working and spent today in Kyoto, but still managed to find some exciting tidbits from around the webs...

gorgeous custom leather luggage tags
I got this fun mug for my papa for his birthday last month! (Canon, of course.)

inpsiring travel quotes (sets 1 and 2)
my friend Chelsea Sanders is selling her sweet little house in Bloomington, Indiana. If you're looking to move, you should most definitely check it out.

a fascinating breakdown of the recent events in the Middle East
101 revolutionary ways to be healthy
a report on food in Turkey and global meat consumption makes  a case for quality and conscious eating (I unfortunately picked up the habit again this winter after being 4 years clean... now I'm working on weaning myself back off!)
great news for Representative Gabrielle Giffords!
please please please do what you can from wherever you are to help in the search for Lauren Spierer (visit (And congratulations to the Indiana Daily Student on the great feedback they're getting for their on-the-ground reporting)

Also, today is a very special day for birthdays! Leah, Katie and Karina, you June beauties add warmth to my life! xoxo

Sunday, June 12, 2011

a dirty sensor

At the end of last week, I began to edit my photos and realized I had myself a bit of a situation. I had a dirty sensor. It unfortunately interrupted a lot of my images, but it was most apparent in this image I shot of the sky above Hiroshima (which, can I just say, was quite spectacular).
Here's my before-and-after in PhotoShop. (Click for full-size view.) Crazy, huh?

Photo by Shanti Knight

Sunday, June 5, 2011

a little sharing

I'm still in Japan (heading to Hiroshima today!), but I wanted to share some fun finds from around the web, just for kicks.

the death of a mysterious heiress

more valuable thoughts from the ever-forward-facing Susan Hyatt

ohmagawd pandas

Bob Dylan and John Lennon chatting in a cab.

A darling one-pound baby deer... but with an unfortunate end.

Great comedians talking about comedy— parts 1, 2, 3 and 4.

A history of street photography.

Coldplay's new single. (Just can't ever get enough Coldplay.)

Photo credit unknown. I've had such a crush on Jeff Goldblum since I saw him in The Big Chill. Hint: It's a great summer movie.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

slow down

a ridiculously romantic compilation of elements.
the music, the pacing, the colors, the framing, the dialogue.